Monday, October 15, 2012

Food & Food Sources Project

Howdy folks.  Here are some questions and answers about Vermont and its food.

What are some different food items that are grown or produced within your state?
Maple syrup, milk, cheese, beans, peas, pumpkins & gourds, melons, and broccoli.

Are there any foods that your state is famous for?
Vermont is famous for maple syrup and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.  Many people also think about cows when they think about Vermont.

What is your favorite locally produced food?
Maple syrup.  Its delicious, and you can put it on so many things.

Describe a meal from your state that has some importance.
One is sugar on snow.  Sugar on snow is type of dessert snack made by pouring warm maple syrup over fresh snow.  Because Vermont is all about maple syrup and it snows during the winter, this is a perfect treat.

Is there something that cannot be produced in your state?
White rice and mangoes aren't locally grown in Vermont.  Instead, it is imported.  Because I eat a lot of white rice, I wish it could be grown locally.

Does your school serve local food?
Yes, Burlington High School does serve some local food.  However I bring a lunch from home, so I don't eat it very often.

Is there a relationship between local food production and environmental conservation?
There is a relationship between local food production and environmental conservation.  To begin,  local food production reduces greenhouse gas emissions caused by the transportation of food from one location to another.  When importing foods from out of the country, there is even more pollution caused by transportation.
Environmental conservation also effects food production.  Without a comfortable climate in farming areas, crops may whither or even die.  Coupled with rising overpopulation issues, poor environmental conservation could lead to famine.

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